Puppy in the family: how can I quickly educate him to do the needs outside the home?

The arrival of a puppy in the family it is a fantastic moment, because you open your home to an individual other than us with whom we will share life, for better or for worse, and from whom we will learn to communicate without having to use those long sentences that we are used to using with our fellow men, but mainly with body and soul!

What are the normal behaviors for a puppy?

The puppy, like a very young child, is an individual not yet fully developed, which he has little autonomy, and therefore he needs to do his needs very often. Being still small, he does not have the awareness of what, for us, is right or not, nor does he know us so well as to understand what we want to say to him, with or without words! In short, the puppy is a white paper on which we have yet to write, without pretending to do it too quickly.

How do I understand when the puppy needs to do?

There are certainly times of day when the newcomer will have to pee, so we pay close attention to morning just woke up and immediately after meals, because those are i main moments where the need to break free is relentless! For the rest of the day the puppy will pee or poop every 2-3 hours and usually these attitudes will be preceded by complaints, or by sniffs or strolls in the round!

What should I do if I notice that the puppy is about to pee?

If we notice that the puppy is about to break free, we can take it quickly e place it on a mat or bring it to ours garden... or at least in the place that we have dedicated for this purpose. In this way the puppy will tend to return to that specific place. After having made our new 4-legged pee, it is essential to make him a thousand congratulations, use our best voices, reward him in all the ways we know, so as to induce him to do it again, again and again ...

Garden or Mat?

The puppy not vaccinated it should not be taken to areas frequented by other dogs, to avoid the onset of serious diseases, given that its immune system is not yet ready.

So if we have a secure garden, we can try to teach the puppy immediately to go to the garden, otherwise we have to choose a suitable place at home, not too far, nor too close to the places where the puppy eats and sleeps, so as to make it easier for him the difficult task of doing it only there!

If I live in the house, how can I teach him to go outside?

One of the most used methods, at the end of vaccinations, is to lead very gradually, the mat towards the exit, and then take it out, so as to associate the cloth to pee even outside the home. If this does not work, it may be useful take him for a walk with his fellow men and you will see that in a short time the game will be done.

Are there any products that attract or remove the puppy?

On the market there are both attractants that can be used on clothes where we want to attract the puppy, even if his own pee is the best smell to stimulate him, as well as unwelcome products, which, in addition to neutralizing the smell of pee when made in unsuitable places, tend to annoy the animal , keeping it away. The latter are to be used only in specific points, they cannot be used throughout the house, otherwise we would create even more confusion in the animal. Natural products are preferred, which, if licked, do not create problems for our new friend.


  • Push the animal's muzzle into its own pee;
  • "Beat him" with a newspaper;
  • Scold him if we find pee or poop on our return home;
  • Clean up his needs in front of him;
  • Use repellents throughout the house;
  • Clean with non-specific detergents that often recall the smell of pee;
  • Place the mat in very distant places difficult to reach;
  • To think that the puppy can hold back its needs as an adult animal;
  • Lose patience.

Dr. Paola Zintu, veterinarian

Union BIO recommends:

The natural line of products for dogs and cats Union BIO offers two unique products of their kind:

Sterilind it's a deodorant with sanitizing substances ready to use, excellent for cleaning the pee of puppies even when done in inaccurate places in the house. Thanks to its essential oils, this formulation will neutralize the smell and leave a pleasant scent in the air.

No Dog&Cat is instead a natural disaccustomer for dogs and cats. This formulation contains essential oils useful for cleaning and removing odors, but in addition it contains ingredients particularly unwelcome to dogs and cats. Constant use succeeds in reduce behaviors such as markings made with urine and feces or unwanted behaviors such as destruction of objects or scratches on sofas.

Photo: Ronnie Meijerbullcitydogs

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