- Definitions
- These general conditions, available in favor of the consumer for reproduction and conservation pursuant to Article 12 of Legislative Decree 70/2003, have as their object the purchase of products, carried out remotely by means of a telematic network through the site Internet www.unionbio.it belonging to the Union BIOSrl company with registered office in via Achille Grandi 87 / C - 52100 Arezzo, hereinafter identified with the name of Union BIOSrl
- By "online" sales contract we mean the distance contract, that is the legal transaction concerning movable goods and / or services stipulated between Union BIO Srl and a final consumer - customer or other professional users, within a system distance selling organized by Union BIOSrl
- By consumer we mean the natural person who purchases goods and services for purposes that cannot be referred, either directly or medically, to any professional activity carried out.
- For professional users we mean the natural or legal person who purchases goods and services for purposes directly or medically referable to any professional activity carried out.
- Acceptance of the conditions of sale
- These general conditions are valid from the day of the order and may be updated, integrated or modified, obviously having effect for the future, at any time by Union BIO Srl, which will communicate them through the pages of the website.
- All contracts will be concluded directly through access by the consumer customer or professional user to the website www.unionbio.it, where, in fact, they can conclude the contract for the purchase of the desired good and / or product by carefully following the indications and procedures provided.
- These general conditions of sale must be examined "online", before completing the purchase procedure. The forwarding of the order confirmation therefore implies full knowledge of the same and their full acceptance.
- The customer or professional user, by electronically sending the confirmation of his purchase order, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe, in his relations with Union BIO Srl, the general and payment conditions illustrated below, declaring that he has read and accepting all the information provided by him pursuant to the aforementioned rules, also taking note that Union BIOSrl does not consider itself bound to different conditions unless previously agreed in writing.
- The sales operations are regulated for the consumer by the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 185 of 22 May 1999, while the protection of confidentiality is subject to the provisions of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n.196, and subsequent amendments and additions.
- Sales prices and purchase methods
- The products, prices and conditions of sale and other products on the site www.unionbio.it - within the limits of their availability - constitute an offer to the public for the consumer and, therefore, require, for the conclusion of the contract, the acceptance of the same consumer, manifested through the exact compilation of all the sections and the online adhesion, by following the instructions on the screen and, lastly, by selecting and then accepting the boxes with the words acceptance conditions of sale and privacy laws.
- For customers other than consumers, on the other hand, product orders are expressly declared irrevocable during the entire time foreseen for delivery and, in any case, for 30 days from the date of the order.
- In any case, the total cost of shipping to the customer's home is charged to the customer himself, with the exception of exceptions and derogations that will be specifically advertised on the site.
- All customers can pay for the goods ordered using the payment methods indicated "online" at the time of purchase.
- Delivery methods
- Union BIOSrl will deliver to customers, at the address indicated by them, the products selected and ordered, in the manner provided for in the previous article, by couriers.
- The purchased goods will be delivered within the terms provided for by Article 6 of Legislative Decree 185/1999. No responsibility can be attributed to the supplier for delayed or non-delivery due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.
- In case of payment by bank transfer Union BIOSrl will send the ordered goods only after receiving confirmation from the customer of the payment by sending a copy of the transfer with indication of the CRO number.
- The customer is required to verify, upon receipt, the conformity of the product delivered to him with the order placed; only after this verification, and obviously except for the right of withdrawal provided for in point 8, the customer must sign the delivery documents.
- Union BIOSrl is not responsible for damages or delays in delivery caused by the carrier to the products purchased, remaining totally unrelated to the relations between the carrier itself and the customer.
- Availability of products
- The customer can purchase the products under the conditions indicated in the electronic catalog prepared by Union BIOSrl and in the quantities existing in the warehouse or available from the suppliers.
- Union BIOSrl does not guarantee the continuous availability of the products at the conditions offered, remaining committed, in case of unavailability and payment of the goods, to promptly inform the customer and to refund the price without additional charges, within 30 days.
- Main
- Union BIOSrl does not assume any responsibility for the disservices attributable due to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and / or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevented, in whole or in part, from executing within the agreed times. to the contract.
- Union BIOSrl will not be liable to any party or third parties for damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the non-execution of the contract for the reasons mentioned above, having the consumer entitled only to the refund of the price paid.
- Obligations of the buyer
- The consumer undertakes and undertakes, once the "online" purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions which, moreover, he will have already viewed and accepted as an obligatory step in the purchase, as well as the specifications of the product being purchased, and this in order to fully satisfy the condition set out in Articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree n.185 / 1999.
- These general conditions can be updated or modified at any time Union BIOSrl, which will communicate them through its website. The consumer undertakes and obliges, whenever there is a modification of these general conditions, to provide for their printing and storage.
- It is strictly forbidden for the purchaser to enter false and / or invented and / or fictional data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the procedure for the execution of this contract and the related further communications for him; the personal data and the email must be exclusively their real personal data and not those of third parties, or of fantasy.
- It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or to enter data of third parties. Union BIOSrl reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.
- Pricing
- All the prices entered on the site, in the relative column, are to be understood as prices including VAT.
- Prices can be changed at any time, without notice. In this case they will apply to orders following the modification and cannot be applied to previous orders.
- In case of discount of the goods it will be indicated in the appropriate field and in the shopping cart.
- Right of withdrawal
- Pursuant to Article 5 of Legislative Decree 22 May 1999, n.185, the consumer customer can exercise the right of withdrawal by returning the goods received in their original packaging, without tampering with any guarantee seal or simple opening and / or deterioration of the same external packaging, and obtaining a refund of the price paid.
- The consumer who for any reason is not satisfied with the purchase made, has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 working days from the day of receipt of the purchased good. The right of withdrawal must be exercised in compliance with the mandatory conditions established by the manufacturing companies and the right of withdrawal may be exercised as long as the asset has not been used.
- All costs of returning the products are charged to the customer who, directly or by other means, will deliver them to the seller's domicile; all items must be received in the same conditions as they were received, with their original packaging; it is not allowed to return the goods in any other way.
- To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must, within the period indicated above, send a registered letter with return receipt to the following address: Via Achille Grandi 87 / C - 52100 AREZZO
- Union BIOSrl will accept the returned goods reserving the right to verify that the products have been returned in their original state and with their original packaging; only in this case will it forward the amount paid by the consumer for the purchase of the products.
- The transport costs incurred for the delivery of the product to the customer and for the eventual return to Union BIOSrl are not refundable.
- Contract termination and express termination clause
- Union BIOSrl has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply communicating it to the customer indicating the reason; in this case, the customer will only be entitled to a refund of any sum already paid.
- The obligations assumed by the customer referred to in Article 7 (Obligations of the buyer), as well as the guarantee of the successful completion of the payment, are essential, so that by express agreement, the non-fulfillment by the Customer of only one of these obligations will result in the legal termination of the contract pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, without the need for a judicial ruling, without prejudice to the right of Union BIOSrl to take legal action for compensation for further damage.
- Privacy
- Personal data is collected for the purpose of registering the customer and activating the procedures for the execution of this contract and the related necessary communications towards him; such data are processed electronically in compliance with the laws in force and may be exhibited only at the request of the judicial authority or other authorities authorized for this purpose by law.
- Personal data will be communicated to subjects delegated to carry out the activities necessary for the execution of the stipulated contract and disseminated exclusively for this purpose.
- The interested party enjoys the rights referred to in Article 13 of Presidential Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 and subsequent amendments and additions, namely: to request confirmation of the existence of their personal data at the headquarters of Union BIOSrl; to know their origin, logic and purpose of their treatment; to obtain updating, rectification and integration; to request its cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking in the event of unlawful processing; to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons or in the case of use of the data for sending advertising material, commercial information, market research, direct sales and interactive commercial communication.
- The rights deriving from the privacy legislation and the disclosure obligations arising from it by Union BIOSrl are examined "online", before completing the purchase procedure. The forwarding of the order confirmation therefore implies full knowledge of the same. The customer or professional user, by electronically sending the confirmation of his purchase order, declares to have been informed of all his rights under the aforementioned rules.
- The owner and manager of the collection and processing of personal data is the company Union BIO Srl
- Cookies Policy
- For more info see the following page https://unionbio.it/cookie-policy/
- Jurisdiction and jurisdiction
- Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the purchase contracts stipulated "online" through the website www.unionbio.it is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions refer, although not expressly provided therein, to the combined provisions of Legislative Decree No. 50 of 15.1.1992 and Legislative Decree No. 185 of 22.5.1999.
- For any dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the Court in whose district the consumer has their domicile will be competent, in accordance with the current legislation; for all other customers (foreign or non-consumers) it is agreed that any dispute, even in derogation of the rules relating to territorial jurisdiction, will be the exclusive competence of the Court of Arezzo.