Did you know that dogs are afraid of the storm too?

thunderstorm dog

How many times have we happened to hear people talking about their dog and his fear during thunderstorms? In fact, even dogs can be afraid of it and demonstrate it with highly variable behaviors. Let's find out more about fear and what to do to help our four-legged friend in the best way.



Why is the dog afraid of the storm?

The fear of the storm is one widespread fear among our furry friends. The causes can be many and may concern a negative event in particular that the animal associates with the storm, as well as a greater auditory sensitivity of the animal towards a noise that is too loud and difficult to bear, or, even more frequently, the excessive isolation of the puppy in the exploratory phase. This does not allow him to experience life and therefore generates a sort of fear of the real world and of the events that he has not been able to know in the first days of life.

Fear is however different from phobia and it is good to diversify situations that have different severity and may require different behaviors and therapies.

What is the difference between fear and phobia?

Lfear is a normal response to a real stimulus which can be seen, heard or smelled and which involves fleeing, hiding, immobilizing or in any case a normal reaction aimed at preserving one's own safety.

Phobia, on the other hand, is an exaggerated reaction in relation to a stimulus, agitation that persists even once the triggering event has passed. For example, if the dog trembles once he feels lightning and hides under the bed, and then succeeds from the hiding place after a few minutes, the dog is only afraid. If, on the other hand, the animal begins to tremble even just feeling the wind, the movements of the leaves and remains in its state of anxiety even when, after lightning and lightning is over, only the pouring rain remains outside, the fear may already have evolved into a phobia .

What should I do?

Password: calm! Faced with the fear that we see in our dog, we often tend to agitate and try to protect and console in any way our life partner. This, however, causes a further increase in anxiety of the series "if you are afraid too then my fear is justified". So calm and presence, we are there, let's look at it as always, let's calm it with our tranquility.

Another important thing is not to force the animal to move away from its place of comfort, but to accept that it remains there until it feels the need ... each dog has its favorite place, at home or outdoors, let him free to choose. If the storm is very long and strong, we can possibly distract him by making him play or introducing an activity that he likes, or by turning on the TV or radio to cover the noises and maintain a normal state. From thunderstorm to thunderstorm the dog should desensitize, understanding that everything is normal and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Your trusted veterinarian can help you by advising a calming and soothing supplement, or a behaviorist educator or veterinarian that they can follow you step by step in the desensitization of your animal.

Dr. Paola Zintu, veterinarian


Union BIO recommends

In case of fear we can help our four-legged friend with CALMA PETS, a complementary feed containing active ingredients useful to relax and calm our animal. CALMA PETS indeed contains the lime, but also plants with a mildly sedative action such as Chamomile e Melissa, which together can induce drowsiness associated with tranquility, thus facilitating a state of relaxation in our dog. If the fear does not improve, it is advisable to contact a behaviorist veterinary doctor who can specifically manage our dog's problem!

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