Having a pet by our side during times of difficulty can certainly bring benefits, giving us carefree and relieving tension. The smart working for some it is a habit, for others a novelty that has become a necessity in this period of emergency. In the collective imagination it is seen as easier and more comfortable, but for those who have some animals in the house it can sometimes not be that simple.

It can also be nice and pleasant for our boss or a colleague to see our cat pass in front of the PC camera during a video call or see the dog crouched next to us, but our four legs can in some cases represent a obstacle to our work because they do not understand that we are at home to work and therefore they demand attention.

Here are some tips for better manage smart working with our pets at home.


Choose an environment reserved only for your work, in this way you will avoid interruptions by your pet who could demand cuddles and caresses. Likewise, he dedicates a part of the house only to him, where he can crouch, eat and play. Create a net division between yours and his area will establish behavioral habits that will let him know when it is not the time to interact.


During the day it can be useful plan breaks to dedicate time to your dog.
A walk, cuddling, grooming or a little play are activities that will be good for you to reduce stress and for him to not feel alone. For those who have a dog, spending a few minutes outdoors will bring physical, mental and emotional benefits to both.


Especially if you have a dog, you should buy him some new accessories to distract him. To play e bite safe and suitable objects for him, it will make him spend time independently, he will not get bored and you can dedicate yourself to work. When there are other family members free, you could involve them to play with your four-legged friend.


With smart working, the days can be full of commitments or more peaceful. Some days you may have many hours to devote to your pet, others not at all! This flexibility of commitments and schedules could destabilize your four-legged. What you can do to not confuse it is to try to respect a certain daily routine, strive to organize yourself more or less the same way every day with the moments reserved for him and to always see you calm, even when you are very busy and stressed from work. Remember that animals perceive our state of mind ...


Last but not least, one of the most useful tips: don't always give in to requests for attention of your pet. When you have no way to be with him, the thing to do is push him away or ignore him until he realizes that he has to do something else. We know it's not easy, but giving it too much consideration can create an unmanageable situation when you can't get away from work; must understand that he can't get your attention whenever he wants.


We often complain that we don't have enough time for our furry friend and with smart working it can happen that we suddenly have the opportunity to dedicate a lot of it to him. We try not to incur in the error of accustoming him to always having us with him, because when we go back to our work outside the home, it may suffer. On the other hand, we try to take advantage of the benefits work from home with our cat or dog next to us. In this difficult time for all our animals they can be a lifeline.


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