In spring and summer, as temperatures rise, its appearance is inevitable of flying insects that can annoy both us and our dog and that, in addition to annoying, can also be carriers of some serious diseases for our four legs. Among these there are filariasis e leishmaniasis.
La cardiopulmonary filariasis is a disease caused by a small parasite, the Unforgiving heartworms. It is transmitted to the dog through the bites of common mosquitoes and tiger mosquitoes. Once in the dog's body, the parasites develop and settle in the heart and pulmonary artery. Getting into the blood, they make the animal a carrier of the disease. Over time they can develop severe heart problems which cause fatigue, exhaustion, weakness, often accompanied by coughing and weight loss.
La Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a small parasite, the Leishmania of infants, which is transmitted through the sting of the sand flies (or sand flies), insects similar to small mosquitoes, but quieter. This very insidious disease for our four-legged friends is characterized by dermatitis, hair loss, weight loss, as well as much more serious damage to various organs.
Prevention done throughout the year is the best way to protect our dog: specific treatments and the use of suitable products can undoubtedly help us to keep possible vectors of pathologies away from our four legs.
Other good practices to prevent filariasis and leishmaniasis are the use of mosquito nets in the nocturnal shelter of the animal, and of products that allow you to ward off flying insects, to be applied consistently before walks.
Parasites pose a threat to animals, but the use of chemicals is no exception. It is very important to protect our dogs, but doing it naturally makes a difference!
To apply natural products for their protection allows you to pamper them immediately without any problem, reducing any risks for them, for us, as well as for the environment. They can also be used on puppies and elderly animals, during lactation and during skin problems.