If we have a dog one of our duties is certainly to take us care of its hygiene. Daily cleaning is not always necessary, but bathing him regularly, especially during the hottest season, is important for his health.
La bath frequency first of all it depends on the type of hair: if it is long, it will obviously need to be washed more often. At least three or four times a year it is however essential to carry out a thorough cleaning for all dogs, also to protect them from diseases and the presence of parasites.
And if our four-legged is an adventurer and has a passion for swimming, for diving in puddles and mud, or lives in the countryside where he spends a lot of time outdoors, then a nice bath will be necessary more frequently.
How to wash the dog?
Let us remember that we must not overdo it with bathing our dog and that it is good to do so only when needed. This allows us to avoid the alteration of the lipid balance of its skin, which would lead to a dryness of the hair, making it more prone to dermatitis, dandruff and aggression by external agents, such as fleas and ticks.
Before washing it is good to brush the hair. After applying the shampoo, we must massage and make a light foam and then proceed with a thorough rinsing and finally drying.
Where can we do it?
To bathe ours all fours in property it is certainly less expensive, but we must take into account the complexities that may arise: difficulty in managing the animal, waste of water, splashes everywhere, etc.
We often avoid bath time due to the lack of a suitable space. In these cases, i can help self service washes for dogs, special tubs made available specifically for the bath of our four paws, which work with tokens like car washes.
A wash at a grooming it may be a practical solution, but certainly also the most expensive. If we choose to rely on a professional to take care of the hygiene of our dog, let's make sure that he works in a safe and in good standing environment and that he uses quality tools and products.
Which shampoo to choose?
One of the fundamental choices not to be underestimated is that of the product to be used for washing.
- aspects to take into consideration when buying shampoo and conditioner for the bath are: breed, age, type of hair of the dog and its state of health. A dog could in fact have skin problems, be allergic or at risk of fleas and ticks.
While it may be tempting to use products formulated for humans, it is good to purchase those specifically made for the needs of dogs. This is because the pH of the dog's skin is different from that of people.
To avoid dryness, dermatitis, allergic reactions and adulterations of the balance of the skin, a good advice is to do not use chemicals and prefer those based on natural ingredients. For example lavender, eucalyptus and aloe are suitable for sensitive skin; rosemary, tea tree and geranium when parasites are present. Other elements such as tocopherols (antioxidants) and panthenol (moisturizer) can contribute to the well-being of the skin.
Liquid or dry shampoo?
When a thorough cleaning is necessary, a complete bath should be preferred, which goes to wash all parts of the dog's body with one liquid shampoo that produces little foam.
Returning from a walk, perhaps on a rainy day, from the beach or from a particularly muddy area, before returning home, we can use one dry shampoo which does not require rinsing which can help us keep the fur and paws of our four-legged and ... our home clean! A cleaning spray may also be indicated for wash a puppy or a particularly shy dog who is afraid of a bath or a hairdryer or an elderly dog who has rheumatic diseases.
Union BIO recommends
Choose the most suitable product for your dog! Discover the line dedicated to the hygiene of your four paws ...