Devil's claw: a remedy for the pains of our animal friends

The devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a climbing perennial plant belonging to the Pedaliaceae family. IS' originally from South West Africa, and in particular in the desert of Kalahari, Namibia and Madagascar, where indigenous peoples have always exploited the numerous properties!

For the preparations the secondary roots, which are rich in GLYCOSIDES (harpagosid, harpagid and procumbid), phytosterols, triterpenes and polysaccharides.

devil's claw root

The devil's claw has always been used in human medicine as anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, analgesic, antipyretic e digestive. It cannot be hired anytime, is in fact contraindicated in case of joint administration of anticoagulant and antiarrhythmic drugs, gastric hyperacidity and gastric ulcers. It is also not recommended in case of diabetes, due to its strong hypoglycaemic action.

Can it also be given to our 4-legged friends?

In animals this plant can be used in case of osteoarthritis, frequent pathology in the old animals but also in giant breeds and / or predisposed. It is very useful in case of rheumatic pain or simple diffuse pain, typical of senility, but also in case of fever, bad digestion, liver fatigue, tendinitis, edema e trauma.

How to use?

Ad intern use theHarpagophytum should be taken preferably under veterinary supervisiondue to the presence of numerous known contraindications, or in any case, it should be taken cyclically, without exaggerating with the dosage. It can be administered alone or in association with other plants, such as Spirea, Equisetum or Boswellia, which enhance its effectiveness, reducing its side effects.

Ad external use however, it is not free from side effects, but its administration can be prolonged over time. In form of gel, ointments o ointments, can be used alone or in association with other synergistic plants, such as boswellia or arnica, so as to have a unique remedy for efficacy and naturalness, so unique that it does not diminish in the face of common chemical synthesis anti-inflammatories, rich in effects sometimes serious side effects.

Where does its strange name come from?

THEDevil's claw it owes this strange name to the hard and ribbon-like appendages equipped with hooks that easily penetrate the skin and injure the animals, which, to get rid of this hooked hand, must perform almost a frenzied dance! Hence the devil's claw!

Union BIO advice

For years engaged in scientific research, Union BIO offers its 4-legged friends the TRAUMA DOG, gel based on Arnica and Devil's Claw, which synergistically, help our animals in case of edema, pain, inflammation, and do it in a natural, efficient and safe way! Trauma Dog it can be applied easily in areas affected by pain, even in the presence of hair, since its formula is very easily absorbed. It can be used alone or in conjunction with internal therapies, at the discretion of the veterinarian!

Dr. Paola Zintu - Veterinarian

Photo:Ernest McGray Jr.Billie Greenwood


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