Mountain Arnica for our animals

THEArnica montana is a autochthonous plant, typical of mountain meadows and characterized by large yellow-orange daisies with aromatic odor and bitter taste. For herbal preparations the flower heads are used, collected from June to August, which already in ancient times were used by man for their miraculous positive effects in case of sprains, swellings, sprains, bruises, traumas and fractures.
Arnica, as well as on us (you see ARNICA HELP99), can be used on animals externally in the form of cream and gel to be applied locally on the painful area, making sure that the animal does not lick itself, or in homeopathic preparations orally, paying attention to the dosage, as it contains toxic active ingredients that can cause gastro-intestinal disorders.

Arnica and the horse


Arnica in the horse is a very valuable aid in case of muscle and tendon pain, but it is also very useful in case of hematomas, stone bruising, extra e mill. Arnica can be applied in the area to be treated in the form of cream or ice, bandaged or not. It can be used as a preventive before the race to reduce the chance of trauma and the onset of muscle pain, or as a post-work massage cream.

Arnica in dogs and cats


Arnica in dogs, like cats, is a lot indicated in case of trauma, post surgery and especially in cases of mucoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and dysplasia, but also in particular cases such as dermatitis and otohematoma. L'arnica in the form of ice or cream, can be applied on the area to be treated before taking the animal for a walk to give the product time to be absorbed, or in any case trying to avoid immediate licking. L'arnica in homeopathic remedy on the other hand, it can be used with peace of mind for a more general action and without licking problems, but without exceeding, in fact, the increase in dose does not correspond to the increase in efficacy, on the contrary, it only increases the risk of any side effects!

Arnica is a very powerful plant, which is capable of inhibiting the release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators. It is a very valuable help on its own in case of less serious problems, while it can be part of a combined therapy in case of more serious problems. However, it represents one very useful therapeutic possibility and with fewer side effects than common allopathic anti-inflammatory and pain relievers.

Veterinary Physician Dr. Paola Zintu

Photo: bathyporeiaDale hichensmeknits.

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