Catarrh and cough? Thyme can help our 4-legged friends!

Il vulgar thyme it is an aromatic plant originally from the Mediterranean area, therefore it is a typical plant of our territory. It is between 30 and 50 cm high, has gray-greenish leaves covered with a thin hair. Its flowers, rich in precious essential oil, are of a lilac or pale pink color.

It has numerous property, now scientifically proven, among which the one stands out disinfectant, inflammatory e antispasmodic. In in vitro studies (aromatogram) it was very active against common pathogens such as lo Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli and even against the Candida albicans!


But what is it used for in our animals?

Thyme vulgaris is mainly used for diseases of the respiratory system, thanks to its strong balsamic action, fluidifying excess mucus, but is also able to reduce bronchospasms, and is therefore useful in case of asthma, cough!

It is also used with excellent results to counteract the urinary tract infections, and as a digestive, spasmolytic and antidiarrheal for i gastro-intestinal tract disorders!

Thyme is also a valid aid in case of verminosis (especially hookworms - Meybee 1988), mycosis (Mitchell 1979) and it is a good tonifier able to relieve muscle pain and stress, even in our animal friends!

However, what is natural is not necessarily safe!

Thyme, like many other plants, is very useful, but it must be known to use, in the right cases and at the correct doses. It is in fact a very strong essential oil, which has numerous side effects if misused. It can in fact cause abortion, it is contraindicated in case of gastric ulcers, it must never be taken pure, nor used in purity on the skin!

How to use?

Thyme can be administered as an infusion, that is, by putting the leaves in hot water, or in the form of food essential oil, even if the alcoholic base could be contraindicated in the animal, or in complete products already formulated for 4-legged friends.

Before using it, we recommend that you ask an expert veterinarian for advice on unconventional medicine!    

Dr. Paola Zintu

Approved by CTS Union BIO

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