Thyme: history, properties and benefits


Let's find out the Timo, its history and its many properties.

Thyme: classification

Il Timo (scientific name (Thymus vulgaris) is a plant belonging to the family of Lamiaceae.

Originally from the western Mediterranean region, it grows spontaneously preferring arid and sunny soils and does not tolerate wet and cold winters.

Also widespread throughout Italy, it has a bushy habit and branched stems. It is a suffrutice, that is a perennial plant whose shoots lignify only at the base and dry up, after fruiting, in the highest part.


Le leaves they have a rounded downward edge and have a bitter and intense flavor. THE fiori, present from June to September, are small, red / violet, grouped in spikes.

Thyme is used in various fields including those herbal, phytotherapeutic, cosmetic e feed.


Timo: a bit of history

- ancient Egyptians they used thyme during embalming procedures, convinced that the soul of the dead could find a home inside the flowers of this plant.

For the Greek instead, this plant represented courage and ardor. They called her Thymus, whose etymology refers to the word “thymos”, which means vitality and breath. Usually the soldiers, before going into battle, took large baths and drank herbal teas based on thyme to tone the body and invigorate the spirit. Moreover, during banquets they used to offer their guests thyme honey and wine flavored with this sweetener.

Romans they used Thyme to purify environments and flavor foods. They also burned its leaves as a remedy to keep scorpions away.

In Middle Ages the ladies hid small twigs of this plant inside the knights' clothes to instill ardor and courage. It is said that Charlemagne ordered its cultivation in all his gardens.

During the Renaissance, with cooked thyme they treated asthmatic people and those who were poisoned.

A legend tells that when the city of Toulouse, in France, was struck by the plague in 1630, four thieves raided precious objects from the homes of the plague victims, without worrying about the infection. When they were captured, before being executed by hanging, they revealed the secret that had kept them away from the plague: a blend of aromatic herbs, including thyme.

In the modern era, the antibacterial properties of Thyme have been proven by several university studies including "Antibacterial properties of Thymus pubescens and Thymus serpyllum essential oils"And "Relaxing effect of Thymus vulgaris on the tracheal tract and its possible mechanism". Researchers found in the essential oil of this plant strong bactericidal properties and powerful balsamic and relaxing activities on the muscles of the respiratory tract.


Thyme: benefits and uses

Thyme can be given as an infusion, i.e. by placing the leaves in hot water, or in the form of essential oil, which is itself used as an ingredient in many products. It is an aromatic plant widely used not only in cooking, but also in herbal medicine and cosmetics.

In food sector the use of thyme helps to enrich many dishes and is ideal for flavoring vegetables, legumes, soups, fillings, but also first courses, meat and fish. It is a source of vitamin K, calcium, iron and manganese and also plays an important role in bone health.

It is particularly suitable for solving problems related to respiratory tract and in the presence of coughs and colds. Known as antibacterial e natural anti-inflammatory, it is useful in case of problems due to indigestion, bad breath, sore throat.

From a cosmetic point of view it is used to soothe and purify impure skin, it is in fact perfect against theacne. It is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of fat hair and to reinforce those weak.

Thyme-based ointments, applied with massages on the chest, chest and back, releasing his balsamic effect, counteract tiredness and seasonal ailments.

But what is it used for in ours animals? Also for the four legs, Thyme is mainly used for diseases of the respiratory system, thanks to its strong balsamic and fluidifying action of the mucus.


Union BIO recommends

For over 20 years, the scientific and working community of Union BIO has dedicated i results of studies and research in the field of phytotherapy by formulating safe and effective products.

In our laboratories a constant updating guides us in the formulation of the products, but above all in the synergy between ingredients of plant origin enhanced by our exclusive MATRIX UB®, registered trademark, extract of the olive tree, fruit of Union BIO scientific research, which strengthens and consolidates the properties of the formulations.

Among our products, here are some that contain the vegetable extract of Timo:


SEDAGOLA DOG is a complementary feed for dogs based on plant extracts, including Thyme, specific to decongest the upper respiratory tract and relieve symptoms such as cough and irritation, in a safe and natural way.

In the change of season, our animals are also more prone to colds and inflammation of the airways. Sedagola Dog can be easily administered mixed with food, or directly into the mouth with the aid of a syringe without a needle.



PNEUMO VENT is a complementary feed for horses rich in plant extracts with balsamic properties including Thyme. It helps to decongest the respiratory tract and is easy to administer.

It does not contain animal extracts or dyes and is not doping.

It is useful for competition horses, to facilitate breathing, and as an adjuvant in case of colds with cough, irritation and phlegm.


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