A little mint for them too ...

La Mentha spp. it is an aromatic plant well known in the popular tradition, both for its notes aromatic characteristics who have made her a valuable helper in the kitchen for years, than in traditional medicine for her therapeutic "curative" properties.

Present in the wild in the plains and sub-mountain areas, mint belongs to the Labiate family which has numerous species, both wild and cultivated.

The drug is represented by leaves and by flowering tops, to use either fresh is dried after the harvest, which usually takes place in June for the leaves and in July-August for the flowers.


Active principles: essential oil, menthol, menton, enzymes, chlorogenic and caffeic acid, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenes, mentofuran.

Property: Espettorante, digestive, carminative, anesthetic, analgesic, antisettic.

Indications: flatulence, enteritis, meteorism, poor digestion, colitis, asthma, fever, respiratory problems, cough.

And how do you use mint?

Leaves and flowers of mint can be used fresh on food to facilitate digestion, in the form of an infusion to combat nervousness, pain, bloating, colitis, respiratory problems. THE suffumigi of mint and boiling water help in case of asthma, phlegm, cold and sinusitis, while ad external use it can be used for sore throat and halitosis in the form of gargle.

His essential oil it is very powerful and should be administered with caution under veterinary advice. At the appropriate dosage, it is excellent for quelling coughs and for fighting even serious intestinal problems.

A safe and natural formulation

Union BIO uses this special plant in many of its preparations, taking advantage of the synergies with different plants, which enhance one property rather than another.

In winter It also happens frequently to our dogs to have to deal with periods of cough and "sore throat" ... a little mint, associated with thyme, eucalyptus and lavender, can help them stop coughing, facilitate swallowing and breathing.


SedaGola However is one balsamic and decongestant syrup, formulated specifically for our dog friends. Easy to administer and delicately flavored with strawberry, it will be an excellent winter companion for ours 4-legged friends!


According to Greek mythology, mint owes its name to the nymph Minta, loved by Hades and transformed into a plant by the jealous Persephone!


Plants have innumerable properties, but they are not without risk, they go used with caution and at the right dosages. Mint for example, can interfere with the absorption of homeopathic medicines ...

Photo: matt lavinSuperior National ForestJean Marie Van der Maren

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