Heatstroke, a danger for our 4-legged friend!

Il heat stroke in dogs it is a real emergency, and it should not be underestimated, as it can cause the death of the animal in a very short time. It is therefore important to know their symptoms and put in place some emergency maneuvers that could actually save his life!

What is heatstroke?

When an animal is exposed to high temperatures (for example it remains closed in the car) and / or does not have the possibility to disperse the excess heat (for example very tight muzzles that make it impossible to open the mouth), the body carries out a series of defensive mechanisms to safeguard vital functions, but if the temperature does not drop quickly, the organism goes into deficit, freezes and the animal can go to death.

What are the symptoms?

I early symptoms that we notice are labored breathing, agitation and restlessness, hyperemia (excessive redness of the mucous membranes), tachycardia, extreme thirst, possible vomiting or bloody diarrhea, subsequent weakness, inability to get up and respond to stimuli, tremors, dense salivation and difficulty in swallowing, total loss of consciousness and convulsions. The body temperature, which normally stops at around 38 degrees (slightly higher in puppies), in case of heatstroke can exceed 40 degrees. The whole organism is affected by a crisis that quickly leads to multi-organ failure.

What to do in an emergency?

First of all it is necessary bring the animal to an open place, in the shade and breezy. We continue cooling the body with fresh but absolutely not frozen water, obtaining cloths or towels to wet and to use to cover the animal. It is important to insist above all on plantar pads, on the inguinal and axillary area.

heat stroke

Secondly, it is fundamental to carry quickly the animal at a veterinary facility, where drugs, intravenous and endorectal solutions can be used to bring the body temperature back to normal conditions, resolve any coma and limit subsequent damage.

What happens after a heat stroke?

After the heat stroke, the patient will go rechecked in the following days even in the event of an apparent recovery, since often other manifestations such as coagulopathy, renal insufficiency or cerebral edema, can occur even after healing and the consequences of these problems are as serious as the heat stroke itself! The prognosis is dissolved after at least 48 hours!

What to do to avoid it?

To experience a peaceful summer with our animals, it is good to avoid taking them to the beach or for a walk in the hottest hours of the day, never leave them alone in the car, even if the car remains in the shade, get to know our animal and its any pathologies so as not to risk subjecting him to too great stress or excessive heat, make him drink often ... with an extra eye, our summer with them will be ... bestial!

Veterinary Physician Dr. Paola Zintu

Photo:Mats HaugenTed Winder

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