Calm and tranquility for your pet... even on holiday

When calm comes on holiday…

Calm, tranquility and serenity are certainly characteristics sought after by anyone who wants to live in one holiday together with your four-legged companion, whether you stay at home, take short trips in the area, longer trips or even on board trains or planes. Often our animals are not used to living these experiences, which can be traumatic and lead to states of stress, such as to put both them and the human friends with whom they live in difficulty. During the summer you can easily experience some disorders linked to these states of anxiety and stress, and knowing them is certainly the first step in being able to act effectively where they have already occurred, or even prevent them before they appear.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is one of the main causes of breakups human-animal bond, with profound implications for the well-being of the pet and the family that hosts it. It is a behavioral disorder, a real discomfort, which the dog manifests in various ways when it is left without its reference figure. The causes can be varied, including the early removal of the puppy from its mother's care, but they mainly lie in an altered bond that the dog, at a young age, establishes with one or more members of the family. L'abandonment anxiety it can manifest itself with uninterrupted howling, destruction of objects and furniture, as well as littering the house with feces and urine, symptoms that are often mistakenly confused with "tease". With these behaviors the animal is expressing its insecurity, its discomfort and its anguish at being alone.

In summer these problems can occur with greater intensity and frequency, given that we can be put in circumstances that leave our animals alone more often and for longer, and it is therefore important to diagnose the disorder as soon as possible to guarantee everyone, human and non-human animals, a good summer. It will therefore be important to contact a trained educator who will be able to work on the relationship between the parties, as well as use natural products with a soothing and tranquilizing action, and possibly look for a figure (such as an expert dog sitter) to break the period of absence from home, all have patience and understanding because the dog is suffering as much as we are.


Called in common jargon “car sickness”, is a disorder that occurs very frequently in animals, especially if they are not used to traveling from an early age. Animals that suffer from it develop nausea and sialorrhea (excessive salivation) during travel, problems that often lead to vomiting that is difficult to resolve, especially during long journeys. If the animal has undertaken multiple trips suffering from this disorder, often the mere sight of the car will cause the onset of symptoms, preventing the animal from dealing with even the simplest journeys peacefully.

The main cause behind the disorder is certainly the fear, related toanxiety, but the problem can also be physiological and therefore due to a poor adaptation of the body to movement. To solve the problem, or at least to try, you can turn to an expert educator to reduce fear of the machine, and use natural active ingredients such as ginger, passion flower, hops, theanine, etc., with an anti-emetic, calming and relaxing, looking for a pharmacological approach is in case the previous approach has not borne good results.

Fireworks phobias

As we know, summer is often marked by many celebrations in which they are used fireworks, powerful and sudden blasts which, in addition to significantly damaging wildlife, can also cause damage to our pets. In fact, these explosions are sudden and strong and we cannot explain to our animals why they exist... consequently, even intense fear is frequent during their explosion.

In this case, a behavioral approach may be useful, which will certainly require time, by carrying out work with an expert educator, but the animal can also be supported with specific supplements that go to reduce fear or in any case to facilitate overcoming the moment. Plants with a soothing and calming action are useful, as are plants with a hypno-inducing and sedative action to overcome the moment of crisis by "sleeping". The second approach (sleeping) will probably not have a behavioral outcome and therefore will not determine the resolution of the phobia, but will avoid much more serious outcomes and possible escapes by the animals.

Dr. Paola Zintu, Veterinarian


Union BIO's approach

Union BIO, a company that has been committed to the well-being of our four-legged friends for years with the support of scientific research and the gifts of nature, has created two useful products for dealing with moments of anxiety and fear.

CALMA PETS It is a liquid complementary feed with active ingredients with a soothing, soothing and mildly sedative action. Among these active ingredients we find the lime, known for its relaxing properties that promote rest, and melissa, which has always been used for its sedative properties. Its liquid formulation, free of ingredients of animal origin or appetizers, has the advantage of being able to be administered in food without having to force the animal causing further stress.

TRANQUILLO PETS is among the latest products created by the Union BIO research team, and is a spray with a calming and relaxing action to be used directly on the animal (massaging against the fur) and in the areas frequented by it such as kennel or car seats, but also for example on the leash taking advantage of the aroma of the product. This spray, with a very pleasant smell, contains various synergistic active ingredients, including lavender essence with a relaxing action, bergamot, with a soothing action, as well as biancospinor, with sedative and anxiolytic action.

THEI use these two remedies in synergy it can be a good starting point for approaching very frequent problems such as abandonment anxiety and various phobias, but also to face longer or shorter journeys with peace of mind. The reduction of anxiety and stress will be beneficial for both the animal and its human companion, improving compliance and therefore strengthening the relationship.

Acting from the inside and the outside with complementary products will certainly be a more complete approach, since the alliances between the plants contained in them are strong and positive and will be able to guarantee better success. In more serious cases it will still be functional to ask for support from specialized professionals.

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